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Shopify vs. Etsy 2024: Which Is the Best for Your Online Business? Shopify offers no listing fees, unlimited products, and more control of your website.

Click here to learn WHY I totally recommend Shopify over Etsy...Compare Shopify to Etsy Start selling with Shopify today Try Shopify for free, and explore all the tools and services you need to start, run, and grow your business. 9 Things Shopify Can Do vs Etsy Own your marketing On Shopify, you can own your own email list, website, and audience whereas on Etsy you don’t. Shopify gives you more control over your marketing as you’re the owner of your website. Since Etsy is a marketplace, you reap the benefits of free traffic but you can’t remarket to that audience after the sale is made. On Shopify, you can run retargeting ads for abandoned carts or even send that user an email....

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